Consulting partnerships focused on studying & implementing:
c u r r i c u l u m c r e a t i o n
Designing year-long transdisciplinary curricula calendars within and across grade levels that include embedded material links
Creating units of study around big ideas, engaging topics, and questions that include long-term and supporting targets tied to tasks that show students’ understanding through their reading, writing, and discussions
Connecting with authentic audiences to offer students feedback and be a part of students’ task presentations
Allotting time within each unit for immersion, building background knowledge, and writing process to guide students’ independent work
Intertwining reading and writing instruction with content areas and standards while considering the reading and writing demands of various genres
Gathering engaging mentor texts, videos, and text sets that offer choice, a variety of perspectives, and build background knowledge for each unit of study
Ensuring there are project-based learning (PBL) transdisciplinary connections that support students in creating and presenting projects based on essential and guiding questions. PBL supports students with threading together their reading, writing, and discussions alongside social studies and scientific content, where discipline perspectives transcend each other to form new understandings and approaches.