Professional Text Recommendations
Education Reform and Inspiring Change
Glover, Matt and Keene, Ellin Oliver. (2015). The Teacher You Want to Be: Essays about Children, Learning, and Teaching. Heinemann.
Knight, Jim. (2011). Unmistakable Impact: A Partnership Approach for Dramatically Improving Instruction. Corwin.
Robinson, Ken and Aronica, Lou. (2015). Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education. Viking.
Dweck, Carol. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Ballantine Books.
Lemov, Doug. (2014). Teach Like a Champion 2.0: 62 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College. Jossey-Bass.
Stone, Douglass and Heen, Sheila. (2015). Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well. Penguin Books.
Bambrick-Santoyo, Paul. (2012). Leverage Leadership: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools. Jossey-Bass.
Marshall, Kim. (2013). Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation: How to Work Smart, Build Collaboration, and Close the Achievement Gap. Jossey-Bass.
Stone, Patton, Heen. (2010). Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most. Penguin Books.
Reading and Writing Text Forms
Mooney, Margaret E. (2001). Text Forms and Features: A Resource for Intentional Teaching. Richard C. Owen Publishers.
Fountas and Pinnell. (2015) Genre Study: Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Books. Heinemann.
Comprehension Skills and Strategies Across Components
Harvey, Stephanie and Anne Goudvis. (2000). Strategies That Work: Teaching Comprehension to Enhance Understanding. Stenhouse Publishers.
Harvey, Stephanie. (1998). Nonfiction Matters: Reading, Writing, and Research in Grades 3-8. Stenhouse Publishers.
Mermelstein, Leah. (2005). Reading/Writing Connections in the K-2 Classroom: Find the Clarity and Then Blur the Lines. Allyn & Bacon.
Pinnell, Gay Su and Irene C. Fountas. (2010). The Continuum of Literacy Learning, Grades PreK-8: Second Edition: A Guide to Teaching. Heinemann.
Taberski, Sharon and Shelley Harwayne. (2000). On Solid Ground: Strategies for Teaching Reading K-3. Heinemann.
Vinton, Victoria and Dorothy Barnhouse. (2012). What Readers Really Do: Teaching the Process of Meaning Making. Heinemann.
Serravallo, Jennifer. (2015). The Reading Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Readers. Heinemann.
Read Aloud
Nichols, Maria. (2006). Comprehension Through Conversation: The Power of Purposeful Talk in the Reading Workshop. Heinemann.
Shared Reading
Daunis, Sarah and Maria Cassiani Iams. (2007). Text Savvy: Using a Shared Reading Framework to Build Comprehension Grades 3-6. Heinemann.
Parkes, Brenda. (2000) Read It Again! Revisiting Shared Reading. Stenhouse Publishers.
Close Reading
Beers, Kylene and Robert E. Probst. (2012). Notice and Note: Strategies for Close Reading. Heinemann.
Lehman, Christopher and Kate Roberts. (2013). Falling in Love with Close Reading: Lessons for Analyzing Texts--and Life. Heinemann.
Small Group Instruction
Diller, Debbie. (2007). Making the Most of Small Groups: Differentiation for All. Stenhouse Publishers.
Hornsby, David. (2000). A Closer Look At Guided Reading. Eleanor Curtain Publishing.
Pinnell, Gay Su and Irene C. Fountas. (1996). Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for All Children. Heinemann.
Pinnell, Gay Su and Irene C. Fountas. (2001). Guiding Readers and Writers: Grades 3-6; Teaching Comprehension, Genre, and Content Literacy. Heinemann.
Richardson, Jan. (2009). The Next Step in Guided Reading: Focused Assessments and Targeted Lessons for Helping Every Student Become a Better Reader. Scholastic.
Units of Study & Reading and Writing Workshop
Bomer, Katherine. (2016). The Journey Is Everything: Teaching Essays That Students Want to Write for People Who Want to Read Them. Heinemann.
Bomer, Katherine. (2005). Writing a Life: Teaching Memoir to Sharpen Insight, Shape Meaning and Triumph Over Tests. Heinemann.
Buckner, Aimee. (2005). Notebook Know-How: Strategies for the Writer’s Notebook. Stenhouse Publishers.
Calkins, Lucy McCormick. (1994). The Art of Teaching Writing. Heinemann.
Calkins, Lucy McCormick. (2001). The Art of Teaching Reading. Heinemann.
Calkins, Lucy and Colleagues from the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. (2003). Units of Study for Primary Writing: A Yearlong Curriculum (K-2). Firsthand–Heinemann.
Calkins, Lucy and Colleagues from the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project. (2006). Units of Study for Teaching Writing Grades 3-5. Firsthand–Heinemann.
Collins, Kathy. (2004). Growing Readers: Units of Study in the Primary Classroom. Stenhouse Publishers.
Fletcher, Ralph. (2006). Boy Writers: Reclaiming Their Voices. Stenhouse Publishers.
Fletcher, Ralph and JoAnn Portalupi (2001). Writing Workshop: The Essential Guide. Heinemann.
Heard, Georgia. (2014). The Revision Toolbox, Second Edition: Teaching Techniques That Work. Heinemann.
Horn, Martha and Mary Ellen Giacobbe (2007). Talking, Drawing, Writing: Lessons for Our Youngest Writers. Stenhouse Publishers.
Mermelstein, Leah. (2013). Self-Directed Writers: The Third Essential Element in the Writing Workshop. Heinemann.
Laminack and Wadsworth. (2015). Writers ARE Readers: Flipping Reading Instruction into Writing Opportunities. Heinemann.
Conferring & Assessment
Anderson, Carl. (2000). How’s It Going? A Practical Guide to Conferring With Student Writers. Heinemann.
Anderson, Carl. (2005). Assessing Writers. Heinemann.
Calkins, Lucy, Amanda Hartman and Zoe Ryder-White. (2005). One to One: The Art of Conferring with Young Writers. Heinemann.
Calkins, Lucy. (2014). Writing Pathways: Performance Assessments and Learning Progressions, Grades K-8. Heinemann.
Clay, Marie M. (2002). An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement. Heinemann.
Pinnell, Gay Su and Irene C. Fountas. (2013). Leveled Literacy Intervention. Heinemann.
Word Study
Bear, Donald et al. (2007). Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction. Pearson-Merrill Prentice Hall.
Snowball, Diane and Faye Bolton. (1999). Spelling K-8: Planning and Teaching. Stenhouse Publishers.
McKay and Teale. (2015). No More Teaching a Letter a Week (Not This But That). Heinemann.
Adams, Foorman, Lundberg, Beeler. (1997). Phonemic Awareness in Young Children: A Classroom Curriculum. Brookes Publishing.
Interactive & Shared Writing
McCarrier, Andrea and Gay Su Pinnell and Irene C. Fountas. (2000). Interactive Writing: How Language & Literacy Come Together, K-2. Heinemann.
Classroom Management – Student Self-Efficacy
Allington, Richard L. and Patricia M. Cunningham. (2003). Classrooms That Work: They Can ALL Read and Write. A and B Publishing.
Bhattacharyya, Ranu. (2010). The Castle in the Classroom: Story As a Springboard for Early Literacy. Stenhouse Publishers.
Kohn, Alfie. (1996). Beyond Discipline-From Compliance to Community: A Proactive Challenge to the Field of Classroom Management. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).
Test Preparation
Santman, Donna and Lucy Calkins and Kate Montgomery. (1998). A Teacher’s Guide to Standardized Reading Tests: Knowledge is Power. Heinemann.
Casey, Katherine. (2006). Literacy Coaching: The Essentials. Heinemann.
Toll, Cathy. (2006). The Literacy Coach's Desk Reference: Processes and Perspectives for Effective Coaching. National Council of Teachers of English.
Toll, Cathy. (2005). The Literacy Coach’s Survival Guide: Essential Questions And Practical Answers. International Reading Association, Inc.
West, Lucy and Antonia Cameron. (2013). Agents of Change: How Content Coaching Transforms Teaching and Learning. Heinemann.